From the night of his birth until this very day, our middle child and only son, Matt, has continually surprised us.
1. Matt was due to arrive on May 19, 1977, but decided instead to burst into the world at 12:13 a.m. on March 22. In the first few moments, everything appeared to be okay. He was small (4 lbs. 13 oz.) but healthy. However, within a few hours, the doctors realized that he had aspirated during birth, so he had to fight pneumonia in addition to his prematurity. I have thought so many times that we didn’t know he’d survive for 40 days, much less 40 years. But God had a plan.
2. Matt seemed to be sick constantly in his first two years. We were ALWAYS seeing his pediatrician, Dr. Walker, and he must have consumed gallons of “the pink stuff” (a.k.a. amoxicillin) to cure his ear infections. However, after his SECOND set of eartubes (inserted on his 2nd birthday), he suddenly got better, and he’s never looked back. He’s now 6′ 4″ tall and weighs 200 pounds. God had a plan.
3. As a toddler, Matt roamed the house with both his thumb AND his blanket in his mouth and said repeatedly, “I love you. Do you love me?” Who would have thought this insecure little bundle would become such an influencer?? I was a teacher at Hartselle Junior High School during the years Matt was in Junior High. I loved hearing “Hi, Mom” as we passed in the halls. The surprise came when I would walk from the chorus classroom to the office every morning and be greeted by a dozen of his friends also saying, “Hi, Mom!” Then, in the summertime when our family would go into housing projects to conduct Backyard Bible Clubs, Matt was the one we counted on to draw a crowd. He would start shooting hoops, and within minutes, there was a court full of players who then stayed for our Bible stories and refreshments. He was a pied piper. God made him that way.
4. Matt’s sisters, Laura and Julie, — while rolling their eyes and calling him “The Golden Boy” — clearly adore him. He can have them laughing within seconds with only a quick text or phone call. He can say one word or phrase and a whole family memory is recalled. Julie’s daughter Maggie recently remarked that she’d never seen Matt say anything that didn’t make people laugh. I agreed but then told her that there were certainly times when her Uncle Matt was dead serious, and that’s when he’s preaching the Word. She seemed to like that and thought it would be nice to hear him sometime. And while I’m talking about Matt’s preaching, I have to say this. I am 66 years old. I’ve been in church all of my life. I’ve heard thousands of sermons and participated in dozens of Bible studies. Yet, Matt never fails to teach me something new when I hear him preach. Yes, I know I sound like a prejudiced Momma, but it’s true. Matt LOVES God’s Word, and he mines it for nuggets of truth every week. His stated goal is to help those who grew up in church really know the God of the Bible.
5. Both sisters scored high enough to be in gifted classes through school, while Matt missed the cut-off by a couple of points. It took some tall convincing that he was “plenty smart” when they were going on cool field trips and dissecting sharks in the 2nd grade. Both girls have bachelor’s and master’s degrees, but Matt showed us all when he went a giant leap further and got his Ph. D. Let me quickly add a huge shout-out here to his wife Katie who was with him all along that particular journey. Thank you, Katie.
6. Matt did NOT enjoy reading when he was in grade school — he was much too social and energetic to be still long enough. He even bragged that he finished high school having read only two books from start to finish: The Moose Goes to School and Bo Knows Bo. But, when God called him to preach, he also turned him into a prolific reader. An undeniable transformation. He CONSUMES books now and absolutely LOVES reading. God’s power, no doubt, is at work because not only does Matt benefit from the reading, now a whole congregation benefits as well.
7. Matt dated some precious girls during his teenage and college years. But, God had the perfect one picked out for him. Matt’s cousin Jenny was also at Auburn when he was and had a sorority sister she thought would be a great match. Jenny arranged a meeting between Matt and Katie Bellows, and “the rest is history.” December 18, 1999, their wedding day, was a blessed occasion for our whole family. Katie is a wonderful mother to their children and an exemplary pastor’s wife. Katie is SUCH an evidence of God’s plan at work.
8. People may not know that besides being an avid Auburn fan, during basketball season, Matt is a big Duke fan. It all stemmed from a summer basketball camp at David Lipscomb University in Nashville when Matt was between 6th and 7th grades. Christian Laettner and some other Duke players came to the camp as guest coaches that summer, and Matt was hooked. Ever since, he has loved the fact that his birthday coincides with March Madness — which almost inevitably includes plenty of Duke match-ups. He recently shared that his dream birthday scenario would be to have a great day at work, come home, order a pizza and watch basketball. Is it “Christian” for a preacher to pull for the Blue Devils?? My guess is that it ONLY applies to basketball games.
I could go on forever about my boy. Mothers and Sons do have special bonds, don’t they? But, let me leave you with a few pics from last night’s surprise party given by his church — The Church at West Franklin in Franklin, TN. They did such a thoughtful job of planning and implementing this great party. Even in the middle of Vandy and Vol country, they had Auburn colors and even Auburn music playing. The folks shared lots of laughs, hugs and great food. I’m so glad Steve and I got to be a part of it.
I suspect that Matt will continue to surprise us in the remaining years of our lives. I am so very grateful to God for allowing me to be his Mom and to have a front row seat to watch in awe as God uses him to advance His kingdom.
3 John 1:4 “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”
Hello Mom of Matt, I so enjoyed your loving tribute to your wonderful son. (I do not know you, but am acquainted with Steve as his ‘old’ Decatur High School counselor.). It thrills my heart to know my student has found his true love and that with you, he has created a family who servs an awesome God!
What a heartwarming comment, Elsie! You did a good job of directing Steve toward his dream of being a veterinarian. Thank you!! How blessed we are to have just the right people in our lives at the time we need them most.
Happy 40th to Matt! I remember when I babysat him thinking how sweet a child he was! it was also special to have him as the ring bearer in our wedding! All your children were special to me. It is great to see Matt in God’s service as a pastor!
Oh yes, Ellen. Thanks for reminding me. I should have included a photo. He looked pretty sharp that day. 🙂
Such a great story! Love the pics!
Thank you, Sylvia. I always like knowing that you’ve read my posts.
What a precious story. Thank you so much for sharing. West Franklin is blessed to have him….God has given Matt a wonderful gift and we are lucky that he shares with us! Sorry we missed this celebration! Gods blessing on your sweet family!
Matt loves being at West Franklin. Thank you so much for loving him and supporting him.
Loved reading your blog and seeing all the great pictures of Matt. He’s one of the finest we know. Love he and Katie so much!!
Hi Laura! How wonderful to hear from you! We really enjoyed the video clip that you and David contributed to Matt’s surprise party. It’s great to have you both back in North Alabama.
I will never forget Matt, Steven, Scott, Chris, and one more guy performing the New Kids on the Block in Junior High. Happy 40th Matt!
The other guy was Ben Bates! You have a great memory, Wendy. That was a fun night! The audience went wild. 🙂 Thanks so much for taking time to comment.
George and I found a true friend in Matt Pearson. As a 28 year old preacher, Wynne Baptist was astonished at his passion for God’s Word. I have seen only standing room only on Sunday nights while he was here. Also, never heard a message that I did not learn something new. I loved his crazy personality, and he knew how to raise my eyebrows and be laughing hysterically all the time. Connie, the first time we were around Matt, he was caring for 18 mo. old Luke and went with the Keenagers to Marion to eat fish. He and Bob Wilson sat in front of George and I. We laughed all the way over and back then we went to Rick Proctor’s home in town. Matt told me that I reminded him of you. Wow, I knew that was a great honor because boys love their moms. We have given praise many times to our Father for the time Matt, Katie and the boys were a part of the growth of Wynne Baptist Church. Thank you for sharing your journal. What a treasure! Happy Birthday, Matt Pearson. Much love to you and your sweet family!!!
Your note is such a treasure, Sue. And, I know Matt will enjoy reading it as well. Steve and I always enjoyed visiting Wynne Baptist. Thank you for taking such good care of your young pastor in those years.